Healthcare Customers Gain Critical Performance and Flexibility with JetStor and DataCore

Healthcare providers gain enhanced performance and flexibility with JetStor and DataCore, optimizing their data management for critical operations.

The organization

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Aspirus Healthcare System, a non-profit, community-directed health system based in Wausau, WI, has grown quickly over the last several years and as a result, has experienced increasing demands on its IT infrastructure. The IT team needed a way to cost-effectively move some of the workloads off of the existing storage investments – without losing the capabilities, performance, and reliability that the team relied upon. DataCore software-defined storage has enabled Aspirus’ IT administrators to tackle their most pressing IT challenges.

DataCore SANsymphony software paired with JetStor storage has integrated into our existing VMware environment and servers seamlessly, while still enabling us to maintain synchronous replication using DataCore to mirror data between sites,” explained Jeremy J. Woller, Senior Systems Engineer – Storage, Aspirus Healthcare System. “As a storage administrator, one of my greatest challenges is migrating data to new storage platforms when the hardware has aged and needs to be replaced. DataCore SANsymphony software allows me to do hardware refreshes as needed with minimal effort and no impact on the users in our environment, maximizing our agility. It is a huge benefit to healthcare organizations of all kinds that DataCore can save time on hardware migrations and allows IT staff to focus efforts on other projects.”

The challenge

Healthcare IT departments are challenged every day to deliver life-saving system performance while keeping costs within budget. That’s why a growing number of healthcare institutions are deploying DataCore™ Hyper-converged Virtual SAN and the scalable storage services platform SANsymphony™. DataCore enables these healthcare organizations to address mission-critical healthcare IT challenges while maximizing the performance, availability, and utilization of IT resources – enhancing patient outcomes while keeping costs low.

Ensuring ultra-fast application response times is one of the most critical healthcare IT requirements. Slow response from systems such as X-Rays, MRIs, and CAT Scans, or the inability to access critical patient information, is simply unacceptable -- and can have life-altering consequences. Furthermore, with the ongoing and massive data growth from medical images, including multi-dimensional, 3D, and even motion-based image formats, as well as the continuing move to electronic health records, storage requirements and the cost to manage them are also on the rise.

The solution

• DataCore SANsymphony-V Automated Storage Tiering

• DataCore SANsymphony-V Fibre Channel Protocol

• JetStor SAS 724HSD 10G V2

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System configuration

Benefits Immediately realized

How we did it



DataCore, the Data Infrastructure Software company, is the leading provider of Software-Defined Storage and Adaptive Parallel I/O Software – harnessing today’s powerful and cost-efficient server platforms with Parallel I/O to overcome the IT industry’s biggest problem, the I/O bottleneck, in order to deliver unsurpassed performance, hyper-consolidation efficiencies and cost savings. The company’s comprehensive and flexible storage virtualization and hyper-converged virtual SAN solutions free users from the pain of labor-intensive storage management and provide true independence from solutions that cannot offer a hardware-agnostic architecture. DataCore's Software-Defined and Parallel I/O powered platforms revolutionize data infrastructure and serve as the cornerstone of the next-generation, software-defined data center – delivering greater value, industry-best performance, availability, and simplicity.

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JetStor meets the evolving needs for data storage, protection, and management. We leverage leading technologies to offer high-value solutions for NAS, SANs, clouds, and hyper-converged infrastructures (HCIs).  Since 1994, our customers have spanned virtually every industry, and range from Fortune 500 enterprises to small and medium-sized firms.  We support environments from data centers and clouds to branch offices and remote sites.


Greater consolidation savings, better performance, and higher availability for critical healthcare applications, databases, and other virtualized applications.

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